Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Miraflores Locks

The Miraflores locks are the two locks of the Panama Canal that are closest to the Pacific. Having gone through the locks the day before, Susie and I now had a chance to visit the locks again, this time from land. At the locks, you can look back in the direction of the Atlantic, across Miraflores Lake to the Pedro Miguel lock and the Centennial Bridge.
As ships transit the locks, the are guided by "mules" that run on cogged railway tracks.

There's a visitor's center at the Miraflores locks, which presents a video about the Panama Canal and has viewing platforms. The visitor's center is directly adjacent to the locks, so the ships pass right by.

Indeed, from inside the visitor's center it feels like you could just walk across one of the terraces and find yourself on the bridge of a passing ship.

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